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EL PASO County, TX

March 3, 2020 Foreclosure List
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Address Bed/Baths SqFt Year Bid Tax/Est Value Attorney Owner Mortgage
14712 Alton Oaks AVE
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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14712 Alton Oaks AVE
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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7024 Bellrose DR
El Paso, TX 79925
-/- - --- --- ---
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6533 Calle Bonita LN
El Paso, TX 79912
-/- - --- --- ---
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3125 Clearbrook PL
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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7256 Copper Sky CT
El Paso, TX 79934
-/- - --- --- ---
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7244 Copper Sky CT
El Paso, TX 79934
-/- - --- --- ---
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168 Courchesne RD
El Paso, TX 79922
-/- - --- --- ---
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7936 Dogwood ST
El Paso, TX 79925
-/- - --- --- ---
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1880 Dolph Quijano PL
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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5401 Fleetwood RD
El Paso, TX 79932
-/- - --- --- ---
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14656 Friesian Trail DR
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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14624 Friesian Trl DR
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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11088 Golden Pond DR
El Paso, TX 79934
-/- - --- --- ---
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2012 Greenlee DR
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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800 Lincolnshire ST
El Paso, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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4479 Loma Diamante
El Paso, TX 79934
-/- - --- --- ---
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14961 Louis Baudin CT
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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7521 Luz De Lumbre AVE
El Paso, TX 79912
-/- - --- --- ---
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1961 Lyman Dutton CIR
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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11690 Mocha Dune DR
El Paso, TX 79934
-/- - --- --- ---
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1233 Night Hawk DR
El Paso, TX 79912
-/- - --- --- ---
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9174 Nottingham DR
El Paso, TX 79907
-/- - --- --- ---
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12238 Pedro Figari AVE
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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808 Pixton RD
El Paso, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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10785 Pleasant Hill DR
El Paso, TX 79924
-/- - --- --- ---
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6048 Pompeii ST
El Paso, TX 79924
-/- - --- --- ---
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1563 Rebecca Ann DR #B
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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1671 Robert Wynn ST
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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196 S. Prado RD
El Paso, TX 79907
-/- - --- --- ---
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536 Sharondale
El Paso, TX 79912
-/- - --- --- ---
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11858 Stephanie DR
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- ---
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14649 Sunny Land AVE
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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2329 Tierra Grande WAY
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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12808 Tierra Mina DR
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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14368 Venecia DR
El Paso, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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5877 W Valley CIR
El Paso, TX 79932
-/- - --- --- ---
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5509 Wadsworth AVE
El Paso, TX 79924
-/- - --- --- ---
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975 Warwick RD
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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2144 William Caples ST
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- ---
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3021 Wyoming AVE
El Paso, TX 79903
-/- - --- --- ---
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517 Bryce DR
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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248 Covington Ridge WAY
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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12204 Iverson CT
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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13123 Kestrel AVE
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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14541 Puerto Del Carmen
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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12084 Silver Crown RD
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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13162 Wesleyan AVE
Horizon City, TX 79928
-/- - --- --- ---
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410 Ephesus CT
Socorro, TX 79927
-/- - --- --- ---
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818 Villas Del Sol RD
Socorro, TX 79927
-/- - --- --- ---
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5037 Knox DR
El Paso, TX 79904
-/- - --- --- $76k ---
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12365 Tierra Bella DR
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- $125k ---
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12365 Tierra Bella DR
El Paso, TX 79938
-/- - --- --- $125k ---
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7208 Cerro Negro DR
El Paso, TX 79912
-/- - --- --- $140k ---
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6813 Cactus Thrush DR
El Paso, TX 79911
-/- - --- --- $188k ---
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11829 Gwen Evans LN
El Paso, TX 79936
-/- - --- --- $314k ---
- / -
Edit Notes
Total El paso Auctions
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